Category: Would You Believe It

Prehistoric Birds Still Alive

Could any prehistoric birds still be alive today? Believe it or not, YES! A bird known as Hoatzin is very likely to have the oldest living lineage of any bird today. Their lineage goes back approximately 64 million years. Found in swamps, riparian forests, and mangroves of the Amazon and the Orinoco basins in South America.

Frigatebirds can stay airborne for weeks at a time

Frigatebirds often fly for days or even weeks at a time without landing. Large seabirds often have very narrow wings.  This includes the frigatebirds which soars over the Florida Keys and elsewhere along the Florida coast.  They can stay airborne for weeks at a time without landing or sleeping.    

To the Moon and back

The 17th-century minister and scientist, Charles Morton, proposed his theory about bird migration that birds flew to the moon and back.  Flying at 125 mph they were able to reach the moon in 60 days.